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Mystery Shopper
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Agency Ovono meticulously conducts all kinds of surveys on consumers and helps your company determine new strategies. In addition, Agency Ovono's "Mystery Customer" service also reveals whether your products or services reach consumers easily.
Mystery Shopper is the most effective way to see your company through the eyes of your customers and helps you improve your service quality and improve yourself. Mystery shopper reports the characteristics of your employees who purchase your products or services on a contractual basis and their characteristics such as attitude, knowledge, skill and sincerity, as well as service or product dominance, customer satisfaction, interest, compatibility and friendliness. In this way, you can easily observe the relations of your employees with your customers.
Mystery shopping in Turkey, İstanbul Antalya
Gizli müşteri firmaları, istanbul, Antalya Mystery shopping company
Mystery Shopper and Survey Services
All companies make public opinion polls at regular intervals to see the impact of their products and services on consumers and to examine how their new products and services affect consumers. According to the reports prepared as a result of these researches, companies implement new strategies and make changes in line with the wishes of their consumers. Sometimes, these researches reveal the differences and similarities of companies with their competitors, while revealing the emerging needs of consumers and giving clues to companies about their new strategies.
Thanks to the Mystery Shopper Service, you can examine your general view from the eyes of your customers, the compatibility of your employees with your business, the reason for the problems encountered constantly, the reasons for the loss of time and the progress of your projects.
The Mystery Shopper and Survey Services offered by Ajans Ovono allow you to always stay ahead of your competitors in the industry, thus enabling you to work more efficiently and more dynamically.
Thanks to these services, you can keep the pulse of the consumer better, ensure the justice among your employees better, be informed about the innovations brought by the sector and the new needs of the consumer in a shorter time, and you can create your new investments in the light of this information. You can easily see the impact of the new business strategies you put forth on the consumer in the analysis reports that Agency Ovono will present to you.
You can also use the Mystery Shopper Service on your competitors and easily observe their shortcomings and excesses. If you want to add vitality and efficiency to your business by being a solution partner with Ajans Ovono, which offers a professional service in Mystery Shopper and Survey Services, you can contact us now!